
recouvrement judiciaire

In order to protect your interests, CFR carries out its activity in full accordance with the decree 2012-783 referring to the regulation of the collecting trade.
To this effect, we guarantee:

  • that our activity has been declared to the Prosecutor the French Republic at the court of Paris.
  • We use exclusively affected bank accounts for receiving funds recovered on behalf of our clients.
  • We have subscribed an insurance covering civil liability for a possible total amount guaranteed of 7.5 Million euros‚  through Axa insurance (number one in France).
  • In addition, we pledge to provide our service complying French and European regulations regarding the protection of personal data , law best known as GDPR ».
  • CFR’s business has thus been completely declared to the CNIL (national council treating this data laws) through the declaration number 785140. Up to date, subsequent checks by this council has not brought up any need of modification in our processes.
CFR Recouvrements